Monday, January 28, 2008

How To Help

Kiva - loans that change lives

I often feel like I don't have the power or the importance to effect any change for people. But Kiva allows even people like me to directly make a person's life somewhat more manageable.

Kiva puts microfinancing to use. You choose from candidates from the most impoverished countries in the world who need just a few dollars. Then you donate some money to them. But that donation is a loan. You will get this money back, and it will have already allowed that small business owner in Africa to buy the $50 dollar machine he/she needed in order to cook food for the locals. Loan a hundred dollars to five different small businesses, and you will have effectively diminished poverty, thereby diminishing crime, thereby diminishing hate. 

Sure, everyone cares, but no one does much because they feel like their effort cannot change the world. But this is a direct way to make a difference, however small. It is very important we start somewhere.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I am Nike.
I am Johnson & Johnson.
You are Pepsi Cola
You are Los Angeles Gas & Electric.
They are ExxonMobil
They are very Viacom
Open palms and uncut fingernails.
Incorporated languages
In the United States, solicitation is a crime.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Once, we were indentured servants to the roof full of sky
And a ground pregnant with origins
A clean belly
WIth tongues and new words
Until earth fell under contract
Brought to its knees from shock
Now my skin hides in layers of skyscraper steel
Talking in banknotesIt's all that can circulate
Exchanged and desiredAll else choked at the rootPublic space
Inch by inch crawling within itself
Living in malls
Shoulders with hairline cracks
Vocal chords drained and packed
Disguised as -
I'll let the t-shirt speak my mind
I'll let nothing stop me
Everything catches fire
Everything catchesfireeverything